Listen My Children, and You Shall Hear…

My concern was that the neighbors would hear.
Tucker rang the bell at 2 AM so I shuffled downstairs and let him out, because that's how it works. I stood shivering and bleary by the back door for what seemed more than adequate pee time, then I stuck my head out and whistled.
And whistled louder.
And called him.
And used the shepherd's whistle.
Stupid mutt, you are not getting a treat when you finally sashay in here…
At which point he started barking. Because of course. Because cold raining 2 AM.
So I had to run outside, in the rain, in my pajamas down to the end of the yard where he was barking at the fence line, mud and hopefully nothing else squelching between my toes- because for some reason, one of the neighbor's chickens had decided to go for a midnight stroll and Tucker decided that this was unacceptable.
Then when I reached for his collar- he danced away from me. Not yet mom!

I stood there, shivering in the dark, put my hands on my hips and gave him the stank eye.
"Do you ever want to go on a walk with me again, or shall you spend the rest of your natural life in this yard barking at chickens?" I hissed.
He ducked his head and came to me.
I should think so!

I took him inside and gated the dripping muddy beast in the kitchen. Then I washed my feet and sat in front of the bathroom heater for 5 minutes until my pajamas dried off.
And then I took the bell off the door, because I know how this game works and I was *not* coming back down at 5:30 for round 2.

Tracy Oct 28th 2015 06:28 am General,So I've got this kid... One Comment Comments RSS

One Response to “Listen My Children, and You Shall Hear…”

  1. Hosting Deutschlandon 04 Jul 2016 at 4:55 am link comment

    Listen my children and you shall hear Of political crises so severe Our nation is threatened as never before By the specter of Ignorance at our door

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