There’s a Special Place in Hell for Those Who Target Children

Today NRA officials labeled President Obama an elitist hypocrit  for saying that, while maybe some schools should investigate hiring security officers, the NRA call to arm teachers and janitors in every school is rash. Why do they think it outrageous for him to do so? Because his own daughters have armed guards at their school.

Dear NRA:
     You cowards! You sniveling, stinking cowards! If any of you had received even one TENTH the number of death threats that the Obama family has gotten just in the last month, you would hide under your desks and pee your little pants.
   How dare you alleged adults use children as pawns in your selfish little games of money and power!
      Are his children more important than ours? you ask.
     Well, when was the last time someone threatened to shoot you, blow you up or skin your children alive? Yes, the presidents daughters are guarded well. And the ease with which slack-jawed idiots can stockpile assault weapons with no background checks is part of the reason WHY they must be guarded! The Obama family receives more than 30 death threats a day: a level even the Secret Service calls "exhausting". And yet they continue to live their lives as normally as possible. Those two girls have more courage in their little fingers than you quislings possess between you.
      Also, there is a world of difference between a trained Secret Service agent whose sole job it is to guard someone, and a janitor who took a 2 day training class at a firing range and now carries a gun while he mops floors and changes light bulbs. You conflation of the two is insultingly stupid.

      You are no different than the Tobacco lobby, selling cigarettes to children and insisting that they were harmless and cool. Your "Guns, Not Butter" approach to every facet of life in America is partly responsible for the toxic gun culture our children are being poisoned by every day.
     So do the world a favor. Go back to being an organization dedicated to education and safety for gun owners and stop trying to pedal assault weapons and high capacity magazines in the hands of amatures as the snake-oil cure that is the only possible remedy for what ails us.

Tracy Jan 16th 2013 04:18 pm The Daily Rant No Comments yet Comments RSS

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