I Just Don’t have the Time

   A few months ago a young woman "friended" me on Facebook. She has an obviously made up poetry "street" name and I have never met her, but we had a common friend in my poetry group, so I said "yes". All she ever seems to post is the occasional poem. They are very, very different from the stuff I write- but that's cool, right? It's good do stretch. Mostly based on the Bible and sex- which there is plenty of in the Bible. And once in a while they were kind of interesting. (I never read the comments though, because she and her friends all talk in letters, like texters, and usually, in effect, just make silly noises at each other)

     About a week ago, for the first time, she "tagged" me in a poem she wrote, like she particularly wanted me to read it. So I did. It was a rather crude piece about how women are only supposed to have sex with men, and vice versa, because asses are just for pooping and what is your "eden" for if you don't let a man stick his thing in it? So don't believe that crap about gay being the way people are born because there's a reason men are born with Jimmies and women with Edens.

    Yeah, really erudite stuff.

    And I thought "You little bitch. You read the stuff I post. You may not know that I have close and beloved  family members who are gay, but you know my position on gay rights. You've seen my posts about Coming Out Day, etc. And you didn't just write this, you specifically sent your crude little "4th graders playing doctor behind the gym" piece of trash to ME to try to make a statement!"

    But I just didn't have the time or the need to get upset about it. Hell, I don't even know her! I thought for about 5 seconds before I blocked her ass. Gone baby gone, in 60 seconds. And I didn't think much more about it.

     Then today- I got a friend request from her. "XYZ wants to be your friend on Facebook"
      Are you kidding me? Are you f**king kidding me?
      First of all, I was told that once you blocked someone they couldn't find you, even if they did a search for you. Clearly that was wrong information. Second-  are you kidding me? Does she think I accidentaly blocked her? Of course not. So why in the world would I re-friend her ass, if I blocked her once? Does she really feel that strong a need to tell me the purpose behind God giving me an Eden? She's like the street front preacher who, not content with your rejecting their "Repent- the end is near!" crap on the street, follows you home!

     I considered sending her a message saying "Not in a million years. Not if you won a Pulitzer prize for your crude little poetic turds. Not if Oprah personally called and begged me to friend you. "
     There was no "Reject with extreme prejudice" option to the request, so I hid it. It seemed insufficent, but  it was the only option other than accepting it. All I can say is, she'd better not try again. Right now, I just don't have the time to worry about some crazy woman I've never met, but if she keeps bugging me, I could find the time. Oh yeah.

Tracy Oct 23rd 2010 09:45 pm General,The Daily Rant No Comments yet Comments RSS

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