An Open Letter to the GOP of 2010

Dear mostly Sirs-

     I would like to call upon you, as faithful citizens of the United States, to "refudiate" your entire platform and everything you stand for, and start again, from scratch.
      Seriously, guys, have you listened to yourself lately?

      You have become the party of not just "no" but of "Hell no!" and have even admitted that your plan is to simply oppose everything without offering alternatives. That way, no one will be able to attack you for how bad your own plans are. In other words, you plan to burn down the neighborhood so that you can complain about how inefficient the fireman are.

      You are the snake-oil party, because no matter what the economic situation: recession, depression, expansion, unemployment, stagnation- you insist that tax cuts for the rich will cure everything! And if they haven't helped so far, well, that's because you haven't cut taxes enough! And it'll get rid of your swollen feet and cure stubborn warts, too!  How did the Grand Old Party of "fiscal responsibility" come to this?
      You are now actually the welfare party, because you insist on continually funneling welfare to the rich: failed wall street executives, bankers, companies that move their factories and assets overseas- and pay for it by squeezing the poor.

     You are now the poster children FOR government interference in our private lives in the form of sodomy laws, gay marriage bans, abortion bans even for rape victims, "driving while brown" immigration laws and forcing our kids to be indoctrinated into one religion- yours- with your so-called "intelligent design" theory. Please accept these commemorative buckles for your hats and shoes, because the Puritans would be so proud of you!
      The only thing you want government to stay out of is business. You scream for less government regulation and oversight even as poorly maintained mines collapse and oil rigs blow, as tainted food and uninspected imports threaten the nations' health, as businesses rape the middle class and run for their offshore tax havens with what was supposed to be grandpa's retirement money. Yet you see no irony there.

      That's because you have more faces than a dodecahedron. You call yourself pro-life but keep trying to start more wars. You want to ban abortion but aren't willing to pay for childhood health care. You stand there whining about "fiscal responsibility" while you eagerly hand out trillions for an unnecessary war. You insist that you are the party of homeland security but your foreign policy creates more enemies every day.

      These days you are the party of people who set themselves on fire when they don't get their own way, of mis-spelled protest signs and red-faced people screaming  false talking points at public forums. You are reduced to pouts and rants and militant talk of secession and restricting civil right, disguised in Paul Revere costumes. It seems that Revolutionary War get-ups have become your white hood of the 21st century.
      Your lack of empathy and charity knows no bounds. When one of your standard-bearers makes fun of sick people and says that poor kids who are hungry should stop whining and go dumpster-diving, you rush to defend him against all criticism.
     You are now the tin-foil hat  weirdos who stand with your eyes squeezed shut, screaming "Well I haven't seen any birth certificate!!"
      You are the party of "blame the victim". Be the issue du jour immigrants, Muslims, the unemployed or the underpriveleged, you are ALL about attacking the scapegoat and nothing about finding a solution.
     Instead of the elephant, your party emblem should be a pitchfork and torch.

      You have become the party that stands for homelessness ignored, pollution cheered, food pantry shelves barren, for foreign civilians murdered by our mercenaries without consequence, for offering struggling veterans little more assistance than a stupid magnet on your car.
      You are now the gang in favor of the return of the poor house and the orphanage, insisting that unemployment makes people lazy and kids are better off in a group home than with gay adoptive parents.
       Things that were once considered merely "compassionate" you are so quick to label "socialism" that the word has lost its punch and you've had to up the ante to "Communism" and "Nazism". As in, "health care for poor citizens is something Hitler was in favor of". Come on!
      Thomas Jefferson is too much of a wild-eyed radical for you, and his philosophy and ideals are being replaced in your textbooks with such intellectual heavyweights as Newt Gingrich and Sara Palin. Really? Do you really think history will record her as anything more than an embarrassing cultural footnote?

      Honestly, you are the most politically limber bunch I"ve ever seen, able to twist yourself with pretzel logic into the most contorted, convoluted positions, to the point where the people who are against the stimulus can bitch about not getting enough stimulus without batting an eye. Doesn't it hurt your back to stick your head up your ass like that?

      While I am sure some of you actually believe the horrible things that you now stand for and have convinced themselves that America would be a better place… for them… if they were in charge, I cannot believe that most of you feel this way.
      I know that many of you, deep inside, believe in simple tolerance if not acceptance, believe that true homeland security requires economic stability and want all people to have a chance life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.. no matter where they pray, or don't. You've just allowed yourself to lose sight of what that means.
     You want SO much to be in charge that you've started to believe your own rhetoric as if it was carved on Moses' stone tablets. That is dangerous for any party, and it is dangerous for the nation as a whole.
     You're scared of what's going on in this uncertain world, and angry. We understand. After all, we survived the Bush years. (Well, most of us did. Sort of) But you need more than anger.

     Do yourself a favor. Do the nation a favor. Erase Glen Beck's insane chalkboard, and start over with your platform. Maybe consider things like freedom of speech for everyone, religious tolerance and an understanding that a nation that does not care for its weakest members can never be truly strong.
      We really need to have you back at the table. We know we don't have all the answers, but guys, lately, all you're bringing  us is hate. If that's the best you've got to offer the discussion, then we're all in a heap of trouble.


Tracy Jul 19th 2010 09:43 am The Daily Rant 2 Comments Comments RSS

2 Responses to “An Open Letter to the GOP of 2010”

  1. markon 21 Jul 2010 at 3:11 pm link comment

    wow, tracy. that should have lowered your blood pressure a bit. i think that perhaps you should run for office. the other candidate wouldn't stand a chance running against you. i would fly in just to watch a debate. 🙂 

  2. Penny Goldon 23 Jul 2010 at 4:42 pm link comment

    you go girl!

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