Another Stinkin’ Tuesday

…which began when I rolled over in the dark and said "Do I hear water running??" (This is never a comforting sound in my house- see "The Curse of the Water Weenie")
"Yes. Why is Katie taking a shower at 4:30 in the morning?" Ted asked, and I sat up in bed.
"Because it’s election day, and I have to get her to the polls at 5:30!"
I grabbed some clothes and went downstairs and someone (I suspect Boomer, who I think may be getting CHF) had hacked up this and that on the kitchen floor- on the carpet, of course. Oh goodie! On my hands and knees at 5 AM- a nice way to start the day. Then as we pulled out of the driveway in the pouring rain, Katie squints at the old Camry we park at the curb.
"What?" I asked, too busy trying to pull my jacket sleeves down under my hands so I can drive without freezing my hands. I had forgotten that the temp dropped 20 degrees last night.
"I thought I saw glass in the street." she said. Oy vey. My head is beginning to throb.

I dropped her at Parkmoor Elementary (she looked so cute in her "Youth at the Booth: Election Crew" T-shirt! and I’m really proud of her!) (wait- not for looking cute- you know what I mean) and headed back home- as I came up the street that connects with ours my headlights picked up the glint of glass on the street beside another car at the curb.
"Oh smash and grabs***!" Looks like several people are going to have a bad morning.

Including us. Pouring rain, front window smashed. Some juvenile delinquent pulled the face plate off the radio but apparently, in their rush to smash and grab, they couldn’t get the radio out. So at least they got nothing for their efforts. I slipped in the house, opened the bedroom door and whispered to Ted, "Do you know someone who works in autoglass?" which is a joke, see, ’cause he works at Safelite Autoglass, right? Hahaha.

I backed Ted’s car out of the garage, got a trash bag to sit on and pulled the kids’ car in, and today I get to shop vac the car, little green clean machine the kitchen (don’t forget those carpets!) and then probably clean machine the car too, to get as much water out as possible. And of course, to get his discount he has to actually drive the car in, but first we have to wait for it to stop raining!

Which leads me to my big annoyance- WHY was it a lovely spring day yesterday, and today, VOTING day, it has to suck with both lips? Because people will be worried about the turn-out and this means I will get 20 calls telling me "Go vote! Be sure to vote!" Which of course I did 2 freakin weeks ago, and for sure, if I lay down to take a nap, the phone will ring. I’d just take the phone off the hook but I told Katie she could call and I’ll bring her some lunch.

But seriously- Ohio has such a doofus reputation for voting lately, and I was kind of hoping that an exciting primary with a good turnout would make people realize how important voting really is. C’mon people, a little rain isn’t going to make you melt! A little freezing cold, needle-sharp rain driving down your back while you’re fumbling to scrape the glass off the front seat in the pre-dawn darkness never hurt anyone!

Tracy Mar 4th 2008 09:00 am General No Comments yet Comments RSS

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