
So many people are inside this song- so much happiness and sorrow shared. This is for all of you.

Now the years and the miles are many between us
And the words between us, long gone.
Yet as the years pass I’ve remembered you fondly-
So many good thoughts I have never passed on.

Sweet thoughts of you kept like pennies in my pocket,
So many thank you’s I never got to say
For the ways, large and small, that you touched me and changed me,
Healed my heart or just brightened a lousy day.

So I wrote you this letter and filled it with pennies-
I hope that it reaches you, wherever you may be.
I know they’re not much, but they jingle with the music
Of all the good times you once shared with me.

Thank you for listening to my silly problems,
Thank you for laughing at all my stupid jokes,
For thinking my friendship was something worth having,
For hearing the pain that I never quite spoke.

Memories of you, pennies in my pocket
Ways you made me strong, or made me smile.
It’s time to spend those pennies, say "thank you" for the shoulder,
"Thank you" for the laughter, for loving me a while.

Now these are your pennies; you can put them in your pocket,
You can listen to them jingle or just hide them in a drawer,
Or you can send them back to me~ you know it really doesn’t matter-
These pennies are for you. Every day I make some more.

Tracy May 13th 2007 10:12 am Poetry No Comments yet Comments RSS

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