Patriot Dreams

What was God before He became an American,
before we gave him a green card
and a big foam finger that says
“We’re # 1!" ?
Did God come over on the Mayflower,
harrowing witches and people who wear buttons all the way
or is He a more recent arrival?
I think God spent some time on Ellis Island.
They probably changed his name
(Yahweh? Are you kidding me?)
and told him to forget those inferior foreign languages
he used to speak
like Latin, Hebrew and Greek
because it's English only here, pal!
Then they asked him to pledge allegiance to the flag
and renounce all previous loyalties to… the rest of the planet
once he arrived in the Promised Land.
Before he became one of the good guys,
what side of the flames was He on during the Inquisition?
Was God Protestant or Catholic when He lived in Belfast?
When the British Empire ruled the seas
did He wear a starched collar and drink tea
or did he serve his masters with slender brown hands?

Being God was probably a much easier gig
back when we only relied on Him to make the sun come up
and to melt the winter's snows,
back before the cacophony of a billion daily calls
to slay our enemies, get us a raise
and protect our tournament brackets.

Maybe that's why God seems a little bi-polar these days.
He told us to love each other
and gave us the right to carry an AK-47.
He's our personal socialist Santa Claus
who sees us when we're sleeping,
tells us what we can not do
and everything belongs to Him.
Yet I'm told God invented Free-market capitalism!
We cut down a forest to build a cathedral
"to the glory of God" as if the forest wasn't glory enough??
Why does God need a Mormon Tabernacle Choir anyway,
When He has the music of the spheres?

I wonder why the Creator of the Universe decide to hitch his wagon
to the star that is America
and will He move on to greener pastures
when we burn ourselves out
and all the world is speaking Chinese?


Tracy Apr 30th 2007 03:43 pm Poetry No Comments yet Comments RSS

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