Good morning friends: has the world ended yet?

This week I’ve been going to work, doing the laundry and weeding the garden and trying to act like I”m not wondering if we haven’t really, finally, f**ked the world up beyond all repair this time, and it is sort of surreal. I wonder if anyone else is feeling the same.

The middle east seems about to explode. It’s always a tinderbox, but for the past week, it has seemed like someoone has a death wish for the planet. The escalation started when Hezbollah kidnapped Israeli solderis. For the past few days, Israel has been bombing Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, and Hezbollah has responeded with missles of their own. Israel now claims Iran has helped the terrorists, and the conflict seems about to spread, because everyone wants an excuse to smack Iran these days.

Meanwhile Lebanon has been bombed back to the stone age, their leader pleading in tears for Israel to stop and look for another solution, while some reports say that Israel is using banned incendiary bombs. Over 100 Lebanses civilians have been killed already. I wake up every morning now, flip on the computer and check real quick to see if the end of the world started while I was asleep. And every morning it is clear that the fuse is burning. It just remains to be seen if someone will step forward and try to put it out.


But who is out there who can do that, or will even try? So far, everyone is either watching it burn or famming the flame.It’s like waking up and finding that your town is on fire, but instead of putting it out, everyone is buying moe gasoline. It terrifies me to think that the fate if the region- and the world may be in the hands of people who think that things like standing up to opression and a nation’s right to exist are more important than the right of people to exist! And in the middle of it all, of course, is George Bush, Mr “Cowboy Diplomacy” himself. What a guy to have at the helm in a time of great crisis: the freakin captain of the Exxon Valdez!

Kidnapping those soldiers was more than wrong. But how is the life of one young man worth the Lebanese children that have been killed and maimed? Do you think, if you could ask them, “Would you want your country to kill these children and potentially thousands more to avenge you?” that the Israeli soldiers would say “yes?”

I bet not. I know most American soldiers would say “We’re soldiers. We die to protect kids like that, not the other way around.” But the cowboy diplomats around the world are puffing out their chests and spouting crap about how important it is that we not let the terrorists win…like anyone wins if they start a world war.

Oh, but they’ve proven their point, I suppose, and apparently that is more important. I don’t care if we all end up dead as long as, with your last breath, you acknowledge that I was right! Meanwhile the civilian population of Lebanon is held hostage to two factions, neither of which is willing to see beyond their own playground bully image to notice the dead scattered around them. “An eye for an eye” leaves the whole world blind, and in this case, alot of them dead.

Beam me up Scotty: there is no intellignet life on this planet.

I wonder if this is how my parents felt during the cuban Missle crisis and all the “duck and cover” nonsense. I do not want my children to wake up in World War 3 just because israeli Prime Minister Olmert, bush, Cheney, gingrich, Kin Jong Il, a couple of freako ayatollahs and a bunch of sick terrorists with more plastique than brains want to make their little tiny dicks look big. Excuse my French, but that’s what’s going on. There is something they want, someone they’re trying to prove or a base they’re trying to shore up, and they think waving guns around and showing what tough guys they are will do it.

It’ll do something alright….
War is only the answer if the question is “How do we get rid of these extra people and their prosperity?”

Tracy Jul 16th 2006 08:29 pm The Daily Rant One Comment Comments RSS

One Response to “Good morning friends: has the world ended yet?”

  1. Lockwoodon 22 Jul 2010 at 8:45 pm link comment

    Funny.  I had set this aside to read later, and in the meantime, posted a cautionary piece on the same topic, but using climate change as the vehicle.  It all amounts to the same thing: as a species, we're too short-sighted and selfish to consider the long term when our immediate interests are threatened.

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