No Faith in His Faith

If I have to endure one more story saying that George Bush won re-election because of his “Christian valuesâ€? I will vomit. Based on his actions, his “values” are even weaker than his grasp of policy.

In the Bible the only “values� Jesus preached are taking care of the poor and sick, and loving all persons. These are two things Bush has completely rejected in his policies. I’m also sure Jesus never condoned lying, twisting facts to fit your agenda or deliberately misleading people.

Jesus told us to be humble, yet our president refuses to admit mistakes or even to acknowledge that he rules a divided nation where almost half the population disapprove of his policies enought to vote against him. His claims that “God tells him” what to do sounds like a mere boast, not a sign of any genuine seeking for God’s will.

It is Not a Christian value to be more concerned about who is having sex than who is going hungry! Jesus preached about sex not at all, but he did say it is harder for a rich man to get to heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. And still our president cuts taxes to the wealthy when hard-working families can’t even afford a doctor!

It does not value life to kill 100,000 Iraqis in only 18 months, surely rivaling the number who perished in a similar span of time under Sadaam Hussein! It is not moral to institute policies that let abortion rates rise and unborn children be sickened and killed by rising levels of poison in the environment.

It is immoral to create record profits for your friends in high places when un employment is high, the public education system is failing and our once-strong country is staggering under the burden of a debt owed to Asian nations (some our enemies) that will haunt us for a generation or more!

So, since Bush’s values are clearly not in line with the teachings of Christ, tell me exactly what “moral valuesâ€? it is Bush represents. His own?

“Bush’s own brand of faith has gained the imprimatur of the federal government. There is reason for concern that those whose faith, or lack thereof, strays from that embraced by the administration will face excommunication from the political ranks.”
~ Judith F. Daar, professor of law at Whittier Law School

Tracy Nov 9th 2004 11:14 am The Daily Rant No Comments yet Comments RSS

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