Thank You Very Much, Mr. Bush.

Mr. President, your campaign tells us that we must vote for you because you’ve kept us safe. I don’t understand this.

How has the Iraq war protected us from terrorism? There weren’t any terrorists in Iraq until you invaded their country and blew it up. We’ve been so busy creating new terrorists in Iraq that the leader of the group which actually attacked and murdered our people is still out there, planning God knows what.

In your campaign, you imply that you are all that stands between us and nuclear annihilation. How does it protect us from WMD to invade a country that doesn’t have any? Once secular Iraq now is in chaos and stands on the brink of becoming a muslim theocracy. How does this keep the wolves from our door?

Why should we trust you when you couldn’t even protect 400 tons of high-grade explosives in a war zone? Your policies allowed them to be stolen by Iraqi terrorists. 400 tons! They will use these weapons to kill even more of our sons and daughters. Why aren’t you protecting them?

You tell us every day that your opponent is weak. All the while you are making noises about attacking Iran with an army that is already under-equipped and stretched dangerously thin. How will another war make us safer?

You claim to be a strong leader, but all of America is threatened because of your incompetence. You started a war to protect us from weapons that didn’t exist, and from an enemy who didn’t exist until you created him. Then you gave him the weapons to kill us! Now you want us to be grateful to you for offering to defend us from your own monster, President Frankenstein?

I don’t think American can survive another 4 years of your protection.

Tracy Oct 25th 2004 04:29 pm The Daily Rant No Comments yet Comments RSS

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