No Big Deal?

I heard a caller on a radio show today say that he doesn’t really like Bush, but doesn’t think it’ll be that big a deal if he wins (or whatever) the election in November. That got me thinking about my uncle’s comment that Bush is “not that bad”. It occurs to me that if you really believe that Bush is not so bad, you must also believe the following:

~1,000+ brave young Americans dead in Iraq for a lie: not so bad.
~Osama bin Laden still at large and the Taliban regaining power in Afghanistan: not so bad.
~The poverty rate in america now almost as high as poverty is Russia: not so bad.
~Children, women and unborn babies being poisoned by mercury and arsenic in the air and water since pollution regulations were removed: could be worse.
~Our sons in danger of being drafted and murdered in the Bush war: not so bad.
~Your grandchildren paying for Jeffrey Skilling’s tax cut: not so bad.
~You having paid into Social security for years but getting nothing when you retire because the program went bankrupt: no big deal.
~The Supreme court in the hands of people who make Antonin Scalia look moderate: whatever.
~A president who blames past presidents, who blames future presidents, who blames God for what he does but never, ever admits to an error or a regret: so what?
~ Forcing the EPA and other agencies to alter their scientific data to fit with the administrations’s political plans: no big deal.
~Growing restrictions on the Bill of Rights and intrusion into your privacy by the government: yawn.
~Good-paying jobs fleeing the country and being replaced by a handful of jobs “manufacturing” hamburgers: fine with me.

This is just part of the shameful legacy of the first Bush term in office. And really the scary thing: he says he has a plan for the next 4 years!

Those who have concerns about John Kerry’s record should take some time to find a non-partisan source and learn the truth about Kerry: good and bad, instead of judging him based solely on the distortions and outright lies from the President. I believe that whatever warts they may find there will pale in comparison to the horrible abuses of power by the Bush administration so far.

So yeah, if George Bush wins (or steals) another term, it is a very big deal, and will be for decades to come.

Tracy Sep 29th 2004 11:14 am The Daily Rant No Comments yet Comments RSS

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