9/11 + 2

It’s really been two years since that amazing day when the towers, and with them our concept of the world, came crashing down. 2 years since the average Joe on the street came to realize that terrorism makes no distinctions of color or class, guilt or innocence, but sweeps us all away in its tide.

And what a busy 2 years it has been! Lets make a quick review of some of the things we’ve accomplished in 780 days.

The first thing that pops to mind is we all have had our definition of “airport security” changed, and have seen more of our fellow-travelers’ socks than we ever cared to. Also, flag manufacturers have done a brisk business, although thankfully we aren’t all still driving around with those goofy little car flags fluttering from our back windows, or eating “freedom fries”.

In 2001, where did you imagine the country would be on this date? Is this what you hoped for the nation? In 2 years have we had an increase in a feeling of brotherhood in this country? Are we taking care of each other, more accepting of diversity and differences and better cherishing our fellow man? I know homelessness is up, and the brief surge in volunteerism we experienced in the fall of 2001 has fizzled, as people buckle down to the sometimes grim task of just getting by.

In the past 2 years, with George Bush as gardner, our national debt has grown like a petunia on Miracle-grow. Unemployment is up, revenues are down and everyone is feeling the squeeze, except for big energy and the other big players at the government table. Thank goodness that tax cut has solved all our economic problems, right?

Lee Greenwood has probably gotten some hefty residuals lately, as singers still try to prove how patriotic they are by belting out “I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free…”

Free-but for how long? Our brave president, George HW Bush chose this auspicous day to announce that we need to surrender more of our freedoms (civil liberties) in order to be free. He wants us to give John Ashcroft and his gang more powers to spy, to arrest and hold without trial or even charges, and more death penalty crimes. (You’d think that after being governor of Texas, he’d have had his fill of capitol punishment.)

I wonder how many potential terrorists the FBI and the Dept. of Justice have been able to snare so far, and how many have slipped through their hands because of that darn, pesky constitution. I don’t deny the likelyhood that right now, in this country, there are terrorists who want to hurt innocent people, and I want them stopped. I’m just not convinced that letting the FBI secretly read my library card records will make you any safer! As Jay Leno recently said, instead of writing a new constitution for Iraq, lets just give them ours. After all, we don’t seem to be using it much any more…

In the past 2 years, we have gone from having the world’s empathy to being the world’s bully. Our president has lied, not just to us but to the world, and refuses to even have the good grace to blush when he’s found with his hand in the cookie jar. Our government makes the EPA change their scientific findings to suit a political agenda, has the CIA and State department lie about their intelligence data, and then accuses those who doubt their sincerity of trying to re-write history!

We have witnessed the complete destruction of our nations credibility with the world community. Iran could start making nuclear weapons right now, and painting big arrows in the sand pointing to the weapons labs, and a lot of people wouldn’t believe us if we showed them pictures. And who could blame them?

In 2 years we have started 2 wars, destroyed lives and shattered families. In Afghanistan it can be argued that we may have done some good (althought for how long?) but a recent survey showed that 50% of Iraqis think they’re worse off and want us out of their country! We’re asking army reservists to spend a YEAR in the desert as a living duck in a shooting gallery while we pour vast sums of money down the sinkhole of our own creation. Our president has promised us the heads of 2 evil men, and 2 years and thousands of bombs and lilves later, hasn’t been able to find either one of them. I pray he isn’t thinking that the third time will be the charm.

So I guess my last question is, where do you think we’ll be in another 2 years? What do you wish for the United States of America for September 11th, 2005? I’m certain we all pray that on that day the American military will no longer be in Iraq or Afghanistan (or Iran, or North Korea, or…) We probably wish that the government will argue less and start governing a little more. I hope that people won’t spend their time and money argueing about things like a monument in Alabama or “defending” marriage when people are going hungry and sleeping in the streets.

And what will you do to see that your wishes come to pass? Don’t expect someone else to make the changes, to stand up and move things in the right direction. Now is the time for people of good conscience to speak up. Ghandi said we have to be the change we want in the world.

So why are you still sitting there?

Tracy Sep 11th 2003 02:49 pm Soapbox letters 2 Comments Comments RSS

2 Responses to “9/11 + 2”

  1. Momon 11 Sep 2003 at 7:40 pm link comment

    Good job, Trace. I always wondered about blogging and never got around to reading any. What is a URL?

  2. JULESon 12 Sep 2003 at 11:43 am link comment

    I’ve been too frazzled to form coherent thought patterns about current events — Nice to hear someone spout off in an opinionated yet intelligent and coherent fashion! Good writing…

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