Seven and counting

So I’ve got this kid… and he finally lost his first tooth. I, of course, told him to put it under his pillow for the Tooth Fairy to take.
“Oh Mom, there’s no such thing as the Tooth Fairy.” he announced with the wisdom of the years.
“How do you know?” I countered.
“Well, it doesn’t make any sense. Why would a fairy want a bunch of old, dirty teeth? If I was a fairy, I’d have better things to do. ” Humm. Flawless logic, Mr. Spock.

Well I couldn’t resist putting a quarter under his pillow that night. When he woke up, he was dumbfounded by the mysterious appearance of money. (Guess even the best logic only stretches so far when you’re six.)

So then he turned seven a few days later, and I was thinking, seven is an important age. You really turn the corner from little kid into big kid at seven.
I threw him a Backyard Olympics party, and it came off pretty well. One of his aunts gave him a “Buried fossil” as a gift. After his sister passed out from exhaustion at 7 PM he worked for quite some time gently scraping and washing away the layer of clay and revealing the tyrannosaurus “fossil” imbedded inside. He was quite proud of his efforts, and as I was cleaning up he stood there in his Tweety Bird pajamas with clay smeared on his nose and said,
“You have quite a hard worker for a seven year-old son. Yes indeed, ma’am. Your seven year-old did quite a bit of work today. ”

I guess seven sounds pretty good to him, too.

Tracy Jul 2nd 1994 07:15 pm So I've got this kid... No Comments yet Comments RSS

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