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Morality Clause

   Q: Can a clerk at a gun shop refuse to sell a gun to someone who has a legal right to purchase, if his conscience tells him the person is dangerous?

    I ask this question because the Michigan Republicans passed a bill that says Michigan grocery store clerks may refuse to accept Food Stamps for payment of qualifying purchases if they have "moral objections" or BELIEVE THAT ACCEPTING FOOD STAMPS AS PAYMENT IS 'A MATTER OF CONSCIENCE" '
    And under the bill, the clerks, whose consciences would be so sorely wounded by selling people food to feed their kids, cannot be fired by their employers for refusing to do their jobs.
   Can you imagine a legislature being so concerned- not about how many hungry people are in their state, but about protecting the jobs of people who refuse to sell food to hungry people and then claim that its their conscience that prevents them?

Conscience. I do not believe that word means what they think it means.

   They passed a similar law saying doctors can refuse to treat you- for ANY condition- as long as they simply claim it bothers their alleged conscience. Heart attack, obesity, venereal disease, impotence- doctors (and grocery store clerks) are the newly appointed morality police. All in the name of religious freedom, of course, and protecting their delicate little consciences.

   But clearly, such people HAVE no conscience. No heart, no compassion, and absolutely no shame.

   A teenaged friend of mine wondered, in disbelief, what possible reason there was to do this: if there is a single argument "for" this bill that makes sense.
I believe that the 'for" argument goes: 'If I decide that my religion says that letting people buy food with food stamps (taxpayer money) is immoral, then telling me that I have to sell it to them anyway because it's my job violates my religious freedom.' (Wah wah wah, I'm so oppressed!!!)

   So… no, dear, not an argument that makes any sense.

   To me, it's about controlling and scapegoating people. It started with the right to refuse to sell women emergency contraception on the grounds that they are 'bad women' and it's somehow against your religion to enable 'bad women' to continue their evil ways, and gosh, just ringing the cash register makes you part of it. (Of course they say its about killing babies, but since emergency contraception doesn't do that, it's just a smoke screen for misogyny)

    If it stopped right there it would be horrible enough, but to even suggest that any religion says you must not feed hungry people is just disgusting.

    I guess the idea is that our economy is a mess because of all the lazy people using food stamps, so we should punish and shame them. Even though a huge portion of people using food assistance programs are, in fact, not lazt at all and work full time at Walmart, and are so poorly paid that they can't even feed their kids without help!

    Now if someone told me that, for this reason, their religion said that they must not shop at Walmart, that would make more sense to me.

    But that returns me, on this day of sadness and horror, to my original question. Are there any legal protections for a clerk at a gun shop who refuses to sell a customer a gun which they seem to be legally able to purchase because their conscience tells them that the man is dangerous and their religion tells them "thou shalt not kill"?
    The answer to that comes indirectly, as that same Michigan band of thieves and idiots known as the legislature, on the very morning when a mad man was gunning down 20 children in their classrooms, passed a law saying that teachers, principals, janitors and I assume, safety conscience parents, must be allowed to carry concealed weapons IN SCHOOLS.
    So I'm guessing that's a resounding 'no' to my question.

    NOt sell a gun to someone? My goodness, who ever could think that any religion might demand that you try to stop a possibly dangerous madman from obtaining a deadly weapon?? Because, so the argument advanced by Ann Coulter goes, the only way to stop these mass killings is to have more guns.
    But of course we have more guns, year after year, and since Obama's election the number of guns purchased has exploded! More and more and more guns every year- and in 2012  we have had more people killed in mass shootings than any year in our  history.
    So is there some critical weight, some tipping point at which more guns finally becomes enough guns to actually stop mass killings?  Whatever it is, we clearly haven't reached it yet.

    "Where were the metal detectors at this school?" someone cried. Seriously? It's an elementary school! I really don't think I could face the day knowing my kids were attending a kindergarten where they had to pass through a metal detector.  We don't need metal detectors at schools and movie theatres and grocery stores- what we need in this land is an insanity protector, that will go off with screaming lights and sirens whenever a person completely devoid of reason and conscience passes through.

   If Michigan had one of those in Lansing, the legislature would be out of business.

Posted by Tracy on Dec 15th 2012 | Filed in The Daily Rant | Comments (0)

In a Blaze of Glory

I don't usually go off like that.

    Ok, let me rephrase: I don't usually go off like that and let it stand. But there's a first time for everything.

    Yesterday I found what I thought was a very interesting piece drawing parallels between Israel's treatment of the Palestinians in the virtual concentration camp of Gaza and the way the US treats our "imperial subjects" in various war zones, and the way the elite in fact treat the working poor in blighted urban neighborhoods, with austerity measures pushing us toward virtual concentration camps.  So I posted it in a Facebook group I was invited to join a little while ago. I wasn't sure I agreed with all of it, but I thought it might spark some interesting conversation.
    There were sparks, alright.

    The first comment (and only) was someone who said "With all due respect, Tracy Lynne Stout Meisky, this is utter bullshit".

    I was taken aback. I thought about it for a few minutes, decided "Do not engage. Do not ask what specifically he objects to. Just withdraw. this is not a conversation that will end well" So I displayed what I thought was the better part of valor and simply deleted the post.
   Whatever.  You don't like it? It's gone from your sight. Pretend it was never there. No skin off my nose.

    Today I checked the group page to see what was new and found that, not content with merely telling me last night that I am full of shit, this same guy felt he needed to call me out BY NAME on the site. His post began,
      Tracy Lynne Stout Meisky, until you have more experience and knowledge in the area of  international relations, you have no business…
or something like that. Honestly, I don't even remember. As soon as I realized that he was publically turning me over his knee and spanking me for posting something that he considered "wrong", I went OFF.
       For crying out loud- I didn't even write the thing in question, nor did I say I agreed with it! I just had the temerity to post something that chastized Israel (which I'm guessing was the nature of his profound need to piss all over me.)

    I don't even remember what all I said, though it was only about 3 sentences. I do recall that it began with "You know what- fuck you!" and that I said calling me out personally like that was shitty behavior. (Nice, huh? What a way you have with words, Tracy!)  And then I quit the group.

   Before I found the post someone had said "Wow, thanks for the great information!" but other comments of "Um, am I missing something here?" make me think that whatever he said- I literally did not read beyond the first sentence- he kept up with the public shaming theme. But maybe not. I'll never know, because I quit the group. I can't even go back and delete my temper tantrum! And so there it stands, with all it's foul language, until the moderator ( a friend of Barb's) deletes it himself.

    So… that happened. There goes all of my excitement about so many people praising something I wrote. Moral of the story: Step away from the keyboard, old lady. I feel burned and definitely twice cautious now. I know that some people thrive on this kind of stuff and seem to love 'yelling' at complete strangers. I hate it. It makes me cringe, like fingernails on a blackboard, and gives me a headache.  I honestly don't expect everyone to agree with me, so I'm not sure why I got so incredibly hurt by that guy…. no, I know what it was. It was the way he used my name. It makes me want to leave all my groups and stop writing, crawl back into my emily Dickenson shell. I'm nobody… and probably it should stay that way.

    Maybe I should have used his name in my reply; said Douchey McJerk pants… with all due respect, you are an ass. Instead, I was an ass too.

Posted by Tracy on Nov 21st 2012 | Filed in The Daily Rant | Comments (3)

Trolls under the Bridge.

To use the current vernacular:
    That awkward moment when some thing you wrote starts getting passed around on social media, and gets a thousand "share"s and two thousand likes, and it posted on several well-read pages, and somebody gives it to BBC Wales and people are saying how profound it is (and also what a piece of shit it is!) and you read over it again to see what all the fuss is about and realize it's your first draft they're passing aorund: you have revised and edited it several times since then  and don't really like this version.

   I know it's just 'not done' to self-criticize when someone offers you effusive- even undeserved praise. I have tried to learn just to say "Thank you". And then there are the critics, like the guy on the page "I Love it When I Wake up in the Morning And Barack Obama is President" who went on a screed longer than my original essay, faulting me for 1) saying that all non-Obama supporters are racists and secessionists  2)supporting all the terrible things Obama has done 3) wanting illegal immigrants to vote 4)wanting general overall cheating and mayhem to run rampant in America (honestly, it was too rant-y and dull to remember it all) and  4)Not understanding federalism.
   I have learned that it is an exercize in futility to engage people like this. They aren't going to listen: if they were listeners, they would have paid attention to what you actually wrote/said in the first place. They've demonstrated that this is not behavior they engage in. Nor is the truth up there on their list of priorities. Fervor and disdain are worthy substitutes in their book. If you try to answer  their complaints, you just get drawn into a shouting match- even if you aren't shouting. The only reason to respond to comments like this are to please your supporters who are reading his complaints and getting annoyed , and to relieve that dental-drill sound inside your head that reading illogical bursts of anger like this can induce. After careful thought, I replied with the following points:
    1)I called the racists and secessionsts racists and secessionists. If the shoe doesn't fit, leave it in the closet. 2)I never mentioned Barack Obama or a single policy of his that I either approve or disapprove of. Therefore, 3) You have made a lot of assumptions about what I believe and back them up with no facts- merely a lot of anger.  4)You should see someone about that.
   I figure that last bit will make his head explode.

   Oh, and the Stanford Encyclopedia would seem to mostly agree with me on Federalism. His definition seems to describe a Confederacy. 

Posted by Tracy on Nov 20th 2012 | Filed in The Daily Rant | Comments (0)

An Open Letter To American Secessionists

It started as a few muttered complaints the day after Barack Obama's election, but the foot-stomping tantrum chorus of  folks threatening to take their ball and go home if we don't agree to play by their rules keeps growing. 
     "This is not my America" you lament! "This is no longer the same country I know and love!"

Huh. You know what- you may be right.

Because frankly, if you believe that America in the 21st century should function under the same assumptions and with the same values that America did in the 18th century- then no, this actually isn't your America any more.

If you believe that "Freedom of religion" means that you have the right, based on your religious beliefs, to make decisions about health care, family planning, equal rights, evolution and education for people who do not even share your religion-  you're in the wrong place.
If you think you have the right to say who other people can love, this isn't that place.

If you believe that bullying and abuse is ok as long as you do it for Jesus, and that kids are better off in orphanages than with gay parents and that rape shouldn't be an 'excuse' for an abortion because hey, some girls rape easy… this is not your America.

If you believe that the working poor, pensioners and veterans in America just want 'free stuff' but of course the wealthy only demand their personal income tax cuts for the good of the nation- no, this is not your America.

If you believe that it was wrong for your Irish and Polish immigrant grandparents to be called 'dirty'and 'lazy'and 'stupid' 100 years ago but its ok to assume that Latino immigrants are all carrying Ebola, or that middle eastern immigrants are all terrorists (while you strut around the zoo with a gun strapped to your back)… I don't think so.

If you think that the reason there are so many single parent families today is a lack of shame attached to the mothers, and that the proper way to encourage better attendance at school is to take away the food stamps from the families of kids who miss school… you don't understand what that "beacon of hope" thing is supposed to mean.

If the idea of massive walls, and ID badges and internment camps for people who are different is a good thing- but that a gun license for you is government oppression… you probably would be happier somewhere else.

If you think that it is communism for a government that calls itself "By the people and For the people" to help take care OF the people and that "promote the general welfare" shouldn't include making sure citizens don't die from treatable illness just because they can't afford health insurance, you may have taken a wrong turn.

If you believe that black people only vote for a black man because of race but white people never vote for a white guy because of his race… if you believe that a 90 year old veteran who has been voting for 50 years should be denied a ballot because he no longer has a driver's license… then it's really not your America any more. If you believe that having your candidate criticized is abusive mud-slinging but it's ok for you to call the other candidate "The Antichrist" then yeah, you may be in the wrong place.

And if you believe that it's not possible for your candidate to lose an election unless the "urban" people cheated…by voting… if you believe that an acceptable way to win is to try to stop as many people as possible from voting: that "bipartisan' means that all those other people do things your way and that the "United" part of "United States of America" only applies when your party is running the show… then you fundamentally don't understand what America is.


It's not a country where you can just 'opt out' when things don't go your way, and where a bunch of people whining that they want to leave will make us turn our backs on our principles in order to appease and accommodate them. It's not a place where beginning a sentence with "I'm not a racist but' makes it ok to call the President a ni**er or to say that an unarmed man deserves to be shot down in the street because he looked 'suspicious'. Or where rape threats are an acceptable response to a woman concerned about the rape culture in America.

It's not a country where a rich, privileged old man can attack a young woman's character in vicious and almost pornographic ways simply because he disagrees with her politics- and not suffer consequences.

It's not a place where we believe that a helping hand in the middle of a natural disaster should come with a price tag or that hungry children in a land of plenty should hunt through dumpsters for food because if they ask for bread, they're lazy.

America is not a nation where we think it's ok for poor people to die from treatable diseases because millionaire CEO's don't want to cut into their profits. It's not a nation with endless tolerance for those who disdain  science and reason or for the hypocrisy of decrying 'government 'freeloading' by other people when you have your hands in the cookie jar.

And, thankfully, it's not a nation where bitter, obscenely wealthy men can buy themselves an election. Not yet.

So now you say you want to leave. That's strange, because you are the same people who yell "America- love it or leave it!" at us every time we're trying to fix what's broken around here. You think it's unpatriotic for us to feel dissatisfied with the status quo and that if we don't like poverty, injustice and inequality then we don't love America.

Now, it seems like you don't love America enough to stick around and work together. That's too bad.

Look, we're not trying to run you out, but you are certainly free to go. I don't think many of you have actually thought this out from an economic, educational or military perspective, but critical thinking doesn't seem to be your strong suit anyway.
So pack your stuff, if you must.

Uh, no- you don't get to take your state with you. Sorry, but that 'Constitution' thing you're always going on about says these states stay together. And you don't get to keep the flag you're always waving: that one belongs to America too.

But you can leave, if that's really what you want.

The border is that-a-way.

Posted by Tracy on Nov 17th 2012 | Filed in General,The Daily Rant | Comments (7)

Changes in Attitude

    Because I have friends and neighbors whom I know to be good, decent, generous people and are in the Republican party, I have always tried hard to remember that the misdeeds of GOP politicians should only relate to that person, and to not make party generalizations. I avoided using insulting terms like "rethugnican" in place of party name, did not pass on every negative rumor just because it was about "them" and generally subscribed to Bill Clinton's oft-stated position that both sides care about the problems facing this country, we just have different ideas about how to fix things.

Yeah, those days are over. Well played, GOP. Well played.

   Now I want to go to those friends and neighbors and ask "Really?"  I get it that you aren't crazy about Obama's policies, but exactly what aspect of the Republican party in 2012 do you support? Please explain this to me, because it doesn't make sense.

   Is it the part where the Republican party does not believe that people like me should be allowed to VOTE? Because that's about the most anti-democracy, un-American thing I can think of. The belief that, in the voting booth, we are all equal is kind of what this nation is founded on. So when your party intimidates, obstructs and out-and-out cheats to stop people who don't think like you from voting, they are saying they no longer want this to be a nation of the people and for the people, but instead, a nation for their people. Are you in favor of that?
    Maybe what keeps you loyal to the GOP is the part where they want to deny veterans decent jobs and health care, and to repeal child labor laws? Or their position that hungry children have lazy parents- so we should stop feeding their kids? As you clean up debris from Hurricane Sandy, do you really think we are better off electing people who simply make it illegal to teach inconvenient truths, as if that will stop the storms and the droughts? That what will make America strong is denying science, outlawing critical thinking and taking away our rights in the name of their religion? If not, then what is it about the Republican platform that makes you willing to overlook all those things?
    Do you actually prefer a president who is a serial liar and an economic succubus, draining American businesses dry and tossing away the livelihood of the workers like useless husks? You would vote for a man who doesn't believe that women are worth as much as men, doesn't believe that our gay sons and daughters are equal citizens and can not *wait* to send YOUR son off to another war that his sons will never fight? Who believes that your own grandchildren, beautiful and bright as new pennies, should spend their lives toiling for minimum wage mowing the lawns of the wealthy if their parents can't afford college tuition? That poor women should not have access to prenatal care at Planned Parenthood and that your daughter should die from a pregnancy rather than be allowed to end it?

    Please don't tell me that you disagree with some of these positions but you're still voting for Romney and his "forcible rape" running mate because of "economic reasons." Almost every economist and economic study out there has said, unequivocably, that Romney's tax and jobs plan is smoke and mirrors. And as for your Republican representative: he vowed 4 years ago that his #1 priority was to stop Obama from getting re-elected.  So if you plan to vote for someone who believes that putting a Republican in the White House is more important than creating jobs, regulating the banks which destroyed our pensions and stopping the outsourcing of jobs– then you obviously are Not concerned about the economy!

    Do you seriously believe that the way to renew America is to take money out of your wallet and deposit it in the offshore accounts of Mitt Romney, Donald Trump and the Koch Brothers? Because you simply CANNOT vote for this gang of thieves and cutthroats without voting for all of those things- and more.
    Don't fool yourself. A vote for the GOP in 2012 is a vote for continued dependence on oil and worsening climate change, a vote for more outsourcing, more tax cuts for the rich that pile, like stones atop the middle class until they gradually have all the strength and life squeezed out of them.
    The proof of that statement is all around you- well, everywhere but on FOX News. If you don't accept that this is true, despite all the evidence-  then you are deliberately ignorant, fools and cowards. And if you DO accept that this is what you are voting for but you're doing it anyway- then it means you support all those things: the oppression, the exclusion, the us vs them mentality.
    I don't care how much time you spend in church listening to sermons about Jesus careing for the poor or if you personally would give a stranger the shirt off your back: if you vote for a man whose policies would treat that stranger like less than an equal citizen– then you have no compassion.
    And you are not the good and decent people I thought you were.


Posted by Tracy on Nov 3rd 2012 | Filed in The Daily Rant | Comments (1)

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