
Why do the people who are SO contemptuous of medical professionals that they disregard everything they say about Covid-19; who accuse them of lying about vaccines and plotting to use masks to harm people, then drive like a bat out of hell to the hospital when they get Covid (probably from an anti-mask rally) and beg these folks -whom they *just* defamed as incompetents- to save them?
Imagine attacking your airplane pilot and crew as idiots; refusing to do anything they say, trying to open the emergency exit in flight, (because “telling me not to infringes on my personal rights”) etc… and then demanding they give their parachute to YOU when the plane is going down.
Think of all the laws the right has proposed in recent years to allow medical professionals to refuse treatment to people who are gay, trans, “illegal” or just in some way offensive to their alleged moral standards. Do you think for a second that, if our positions were reversed, they wouldn’t be passing laws saying that hospitals can turn away people who haven’t been vaccinated or refuse to wear a mask?

Of COURSE they would!
Because their entire ethos is based on percieved superiority to everyone who is different and a God-given right to cast those folks out. (They always blame it on Jesus so they can hide behind “religious freedom” when they hurt people)
These are the people who want poor kids to have to mop floors in order to get a free lunch )because to be poor means to be lazy unless some trust fund baby makes you mop floors in middle school). Who want to peek into girls’ underwear to check their genitals before they can use the locker room. You bet your ass they would be checking social media posts and anyone who turned up at an ER begging for treatment for a disease they said didn’t exist would be thrown out!
But they know we won’t do unto them as they would do unto us. After all, we are not the ones running around infecting people with a dangerous disease just in the hopes that it makes *them* look bad. So the same people in Tennessee who verbally attacked medical personnel yesterday (for telling them how to protect their children) will drive to the hospital tomorrow and demand that the people they just *threatened* do everything to save them.
And they will.
Because they call us extremists, but we’re not the ones extreme enough to deny medical care to someone who needs it, no matter why they need it or how loathesome they are.
Their anti-trans laws are based on the idea that some people find it “Morally repugnant” to seek gender re-assignment and no one should have to help someone they think is icky.
But how many people did that trans woman “infect” with, uh, trans-ness? How many did she cause to spend weeks in the hospital? How many did she kill?
There is NOTHING more morally repugnant than deliberately forcing children into a dangerous situation day after day, knowing that thousands will get sick and some will probably DIE.
Even as they smear and threaten us, they are counting on the fact that WE ARE BETTER THAN THEY ARE- that we will never treat them as they would treat us in a heartbeat. They are smashing holes in the bottom of the boat and then demanding that WE do all the patching and bailing, secure in the knowledge that, no matter how angry it makes us, we won’t just chuck them over the side.
Nor should we.
But boy, some of them make it tempting.

Tracy Aug 13th 2021 07:16 am The Daily Rant No Comments yet Comments RSS

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