Archive for February, 2016

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Cold War

There's an old expression: 
    Never under-estimate the ability of the Democratic party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

   Well it's about to happen again. But this time what's at stake is not just the rise or fall of a political party. Because of the candidates running on the Republican ticket this year, a defeat could really be a defeat for millions of people: education standards subsumed by religious dogma, higher education unattainable for all but the most wealthy, abandonment of our infrastructure, institutionalized persecution of minorities, turning away from perfectly viable clean energy in favor of dirty fuels, letting our last chance to mitigate the global warming disaster slip away… maybe even world war.
   And democrats are sniping at each other.

   When George Bush was elected (selected) I was disappointed but I said "How bad can it be? Some bad policies will get enacted, but tides tend to go out and come back in. We'll survive."
   And there was an economic melt-down, a roll-back of the clean air and water standards that were finally making a difference, narrowing of reproductive rights, the validation of "faith-based science"… and oh yeah: the war.
   The war that cost trillions of dollars, thousands of lives, tens of thousands injured and traumatized, and destabilized an already volatile region and directly contributed to the ongoing disaster that is the Middle east: Syria, ISIS and the collapse of the once proud, educated nation of Iraq into a heap of burning rubble.

   Then the tide began to turn and Obama was elected. Despite a congress that declared that their primary job from day 1 would be to deny him a second term by whatever means necessary, he dragged the nation into a slow, wide turn back the other way. Despite  daily calls for drug testing poor people and making children work in exchange for a free lunch and turning victim-blaming into a lofty moral perch: despite people who cheered at the idea of letting people die of treatable conditions if their boss doesn't want to give them health insurance… changes were made. Some small but splashy- some quietly splendid.
   It's far from perfect. Things still aren't great. When faced with only hard choices, bad compromises were made.
   But while a really loud, entitled minority continue to scream that they are being oppressed every time they simply aren't allowed to make other people live their way, overall the attitude of the nation has turned toward progress, toward negotiation over confrontation.
Toward tolerance and common sense.

   And now another election has come. This has been called Silly season, but silly is too benign a word for what is going on.
   The Republican candidates, by and large, consist of idiots, bullies and the crinimally insane. They validate every angry, hateful, exclusionary resentment that people frightened of change can harbor. Religous concentration camps? Just the suggestion takes the breath away.
   The democrats have 2 candidates with a lot of experience and strong, forward-looking ideas. Great!
    The devil is in the details.

   I have a candidate that I prefer and plan to vote for, but who it is doesn't really matter. Because I-  a political junkie, don't feel like I can talk about either candidate on social media. It's like jumping in the middle of a family feud- a really nast one.
   A large portion of the democrats have formed a circular firing squad and have begun blasting.
   I can't even stand to scroll my Facebook wall because of the near constant barrage of bitter, accusatory, locked-and-loaded sniping going on from both sides.
   I long ago learned not to try to push back against any of the extreme (and often inaccurate or thoroughly debunked) postings, to suggest a more reasonable (fact-based) interpretation. I know I will be jumped on and accused of being blind, of being ill-informed, of not caring about Issue X.
   And now I cannot even join in a conversation on a reasonable post by a reasonable friend without *their* friends going on the attack-  "Oh trust me- the other side is the one doing this!", "typical corporatist defender"  "You must be a troll!"
   This candidate once said this! Yeah- well that candidate has a supporter who said that! She took money from them! He voted against that!

   Sheesh. Can we just agree that both candidate have strengths and weaknesses, and that we, with our different outlooks, have different priorities in what we are willing to overlook? Can we respect that other people probably have read and considered the same issues,and respect their decision?
    No. We can't. Charges and counter-charges– she rigged the system! He keeps lying abouut who supports him! How can you not see it?!? Here's a hint: if someone makes a request to tone down the general incivility out there and you counter with I'm happy to get along- it's the other candidate whose supporters are out of bounds but what can you expect from people that support him/her…  then yeah, you are exactly who they were talking about.
   It's World War Bernillary out there, and I can't stand it. Now I don't even read anything that anyone posts about either candidate– I see "Bernie Sanders" or "Hillary Clinton" and I just scroll on past. Honestly, I move away even faster than I do with the bizarre "Type Amen and god will bless you with money!' religious posts, because commenting, or even investing the energy to read it is just as useless.

   I want to shake people. I want to make them understand: it's not just "a democrat in the White House" we're talking about in 2016. We're talking about the Supreme Court, and all the ways they can harm- or help America. It's a possible rollback on freedom of speech, of religion, and of the basic idea that a government by the people and for the people should help take care of the people. 
   SO much is at stake, damnit, and half of the progressive population is alienating the other half, and both sides are aliienating the moderates. The majority of America wants to move forward, and if we just walk together we can continue this imperfect, erratic but important progress we have begun.
   Or not. Or fucking not. We can remain strident and inflexible. We can keep talking about write-ins and third party runs to keep your  precious damn ideology pure and unsullied from condoning his lack of a coherant plan here or her hawkish friends there. We can attack and destroy both candidates before the Republicans even turn their sights on them. 
    I hope that zealots purity gives you comfort in the long days ahead, so that when President Trump or President Cruz plunges us into another dark ages, as climate-driven storms sweep the globe, the sniping, uncompromising, my-way-or-the-highway democrats can look around proudly and say 
   "Hey, WE built that!"





Posted by Tracy on Feb 11th 2016 | Filed in General,The Daily Rant | Comments (0)

The Kids are Not Alright

Blossom went after Tucker this morning.

   It has been a few weeks since I saw anything but the occasional… lets say "bossiness" from her. I thought she had worked that all out. They sometimes share the lambswool dog pad in the evenings while we watch TV.
   But I have gotten lazy, and stopped watching for 'claiming' behavior, where she tries to keep him away from me, which seemed to be the genesis for most of the problems between them in the past.
   We were all 3 in the front room and I was reading something on the computer and suddenly she was on him like a fury.

   Tucker tried to back out of the room but Blossom would not stand down. I lept to my feet and ran shouting after them as Blossom actually took him down the stairs in a roiling ball of fur and teeth.
   I caught up with them at the bottom and managed to get hold of her collar- she was still attacking!- and yanked her away. She immediately became compliant and walked quietly to the crate with Steve.

   Tucker was injured this time. Not seriously: a few tiny nicks on his nose and a scraped area high on one front leg that  still oozes a bit and no doubt stings but doesn't look bad. But it is the first time she ever actually laid a tooth on him- and that upsets me. Always before I thought she was just trying to dominate him, but not to really hurt him. This time, she bit.
   We're going backward.

   My trust and confidence have been injured too. I'm afraid to have them together now. Every time she even walks over to him I get anxious. This evening, after they ate, she started over to check out his empty bowl- a normal occurrance- except she darted her head in instead of just casually walkng over.
  Or did she? Was I imagining it? I grabbed her collar and pulled her away and put her back in the crate until I got Tucker upstairs and gated in the bedroom.

   Dopey me. I had this stupid idea that we were going to ride in like white knights and rescue Blossom, and  help her heal her emotional wounds, and wow what great dog people we are, aren't we? Pat yourself on the back, Trace!
   But I have used every trick in my small bag of tricks, and while I thought it was going well, i guess it wasn't. I don't know how to do this after all. I can't spend the rest of their days keeping them apart! Are they ok together when I"m not around? Is it safe to leave them alone if there is no human in the house for Blossom to 'claim" and fight over? I have always assumed so, but…

   As I sat with Tucker gently cleaning his scrapes and telling him what a fine, brave boy he was to let me do it, I started to tear up.
I love Blossom. She has a good heart, and is so affectionate… maybe she just needs to be an only dog. Maybe she needs a home where she gets all the love and doesn't have to share.
   But just the thought of finding somewhere else for her to live, making her start all over one more time, makes my stomach hurt. I feel like one of those people who adopt a Russian orphan and then it turns out the child has all these terrible adandonment issues and scream and break things and set fires so the parents give the child back.
   I don't want to do that. I feel like I have failed a sweet dog… but really, I don't know how to do this any way other than the way I have been doing it. And that doesn't seem to be working.

Posted by Tracy on Feb 10th 2016 | Filed in So I've got this kid... | Comments (0)

Silent Passage

The wind does not howl.
In silence it hurries to tomorrow
outrunning all regrets.

Grass hisses annoyance at its passing
Dead leaves chatter and call to one another
of where the wind has been.
Windows and shingles shudder and gasp
and demure that they do not dance.

The wind does not howl.
It is the trees who wail for mercy,
who groan and beg for release.
But is their wish for stillness?
As they grasp after its disappearing form,
do they cry out for the journey,
entreat the wind to pull them loose
and set them free at last?


Posted by Tracy on Feb 5th 2016 | Filed in The Daily Rant | Comments (0)