Letters From the Top

Dear Lisa and Jim,  

First of all, congratulations on making it to the top of the mountain.

While it's no Kilimanjaro, climbing Le Conte is not a small accomplishment. So kudos on sticking it out.

I remember my first time climbing, having to pack all my overnight supplies 7 miles up the trail… considering, about 2/3 of the way up, what items I could possibly leave by the side of the path to lighten my load, amazed that the upper trail was not already littered with hairbrushes, water bottles and spare clothing like a Salvation Army donation box.  

So really, congratulations on making it all the way to the top still in possession of your pocket knife, with which you  immediately set to work carving your names on the beams underneath the bunk bed in Cabin #4 to let us all know that you arrived safely.  

I know that when we stumbled in, exhausted, exquisitely aware of bone, muscle and sinew in new, not completely pleasant ways, it was such a relief  to know that you two kids had been here, that you made the journey in one piece. You arrived, perhaps bruised and shivering from one of the frequent frigid downpours, yet still you had the strength left to deface public property in this unique, beautiful, wild place.    

With that kind of resolve and strength of purpose, I"m sure you two crazy kids have bucked the odds and stayed together- Lisa, you wouldn't let that thing he had with the waitress come between you- Jim, I know you found something to love about her mother!   

I'm sure that is the message you wanted to leave for those of us who came after you when we crawled into our bunks and gazed up at "Lisa and Jim 4ever"… that 2 crazy kids who can climb mountains together can overcome anything.



Tracy Sep 25th 2012 07:08 pm Poetry,The Daily Rant No Comments yet Comments RSS

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