Archive for November, 2010

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Apron Strings

I like to watch them
from where I wait in my car
as they climb off the school bus ahead of me,
hopping down that last step
book bag on one shoulder,
the jacket their mother insisted they take
but probably knew they wouldn’t wear
trailing behind them through the leaves.
The little ones bounce and hoot and dance
and dash over to their mothers waiting at the corner.
And whether the child is boisterous or sulky,
whether she is pushing a stroller, talking on her phone
or grabbing for the dragging jacket
the mother always reaches out and touches the child:
a hand on the shoulder or top of the head,
a playful swat to the backside as they run past-
but she always touches, reclaims her child.
You are mine.
We were separate, but  now you have returned to me
and we are connected once again.
I count  you as my own,
under my wing once more

I remember those days, that feeling,
the tiny, secret relief that once again
the world had taken away- and then returned
my most precious possession,
My children still come home from time to time,
pulling up in their car,
dumping bags and shedding shoes near the front door
sometimes still dragging their jackets
And I still reach out to touch them as they return
because I know now that they are changed,
and sometimes harmed in ways I cannot control
during their time away from me.

But this is the way of life.
 A thousand times it takes your child away
and returns them to you different-
wiser, quieter, sometimes sadder,
less prone to bounce and dance,
carrying burdens far larger than a backpack full of books and homework.
Still, you reclaim them,
because always, they are yours.

Posted by Tracy on Nov 30th 2010 | Filed in Poetry,So I've got this kid... | Comments (1)

Those that Will not See

       I had a weird dream last night. I hate when I remember them.

       A group of us were discussing a documentary film we wanted to make about several species of endangered animals, but funds were short. There was argument about whether it wouldn’t be best to use the money for other projects. Should we instead spend it to lobby to get more land set aside for animal preserves? Others argued that through the film we could educate people about the beauty and value of these creatures and they might be receptive to donating more money. But which animal species would we choose to feature?

     Finally a guy who'd been leaning against the wall, listening spoke up.
    “Make the damn film” he said. “Only not just about two or three species. Go ahead and use every penny we can beg, borrow or steal, and make a film about all the threatened species out there. Every one we can get on camera.”
    The room erupted in chaos. That would  be an incredible undertaking! It would use all our time and all our funds and we’d be forced to abandon all the other preservation projects we had in the works.
     “You don’t get it” the man said, shaking his head. “This isn’t about education any more. This isn’t about advocating for protection of a species. It’s too late for any of  that. This is about… creating a memorial. A beautiful, technicolor tombstone for what we've lost- or rather, thrown away”.
    Everyone listened in stunned silence.

    “It’s too late for education" he said.  "People don’t want to learn. The human race is far too busy arguing over Dancing with the Stars and freaking out about the terror mosque to care about the eradication of species that have been on earth for millions of years.
     Who cares about the whales and the sea turtles and the whooping cranes, as long as they aren’t ingredients in chicken nuggets? People are offended at the idea that they should alter their lifestyles in any small way for some animal that doesn't even have its own Reality show. If these animals really mattered, they would at least have an iphone ap.

   " And even if they listened, too many have convinced themselves that their God gave the earth to mankind, so if we want to engage in wholesale destruction of the life that covers it, why not? 
    How can you possibly hope to educate people about conservation when many of them still don’t believe that the earth revolves around the sun? Don't accept that the planet is warming or that life changes over time? Who believe that the planet and all its inhabitants were created 6000 years ago- zap!- 144 hours from start to finish, and then God took ‘Sunday off to have a beer and watch football.  
   And asking them to sacrifice something they want but don’t in any way need in order to serve a greater good- well that’s socialism. They’d rather be dead. Which is good, I guess, because they will be.

    You would think, if you really believed that tiger balls or narwhal horn had some magic powers,  that you would want to protect the species, and thereby preserve the supply of this elixir. But  no. I want mine now, as much as I can get, and if that means there’s none left for the future, who the fuck cares?  What use is an acre of rainforest to a guy whose Wii is broken?

     "There's no point in trying to set aside land where animals can live in peace- first of all because people don't want peace- they want stuff!  What good will the land do the animals when the planet warms and all their water dries up? Or the next war starts dropping bombs, or the pollution from strip mining and heavy metals from manufacturing and the smog from a billion cars poisons their air and soil? Or when we simply use up all the resources out here and go looking for more? 
    "These animals are extinct already- they just don't know it yet. They've gone the way of the Do-Do and the Passenger pigeon: it's just too easy to kill them. When they're gone, we'll find something else to kill, or to love into extinction, like whales and Chilean sea bass.
    So make the damn film. Make a dozen of 'em. Cram in every weird, gorgeous, miraculous creatures that we'll soon never see again.  Film the orangs and humpbacks and rhinos and cheetahs, monarchs and Mexican wolves and snail darters and condors in their last gasps of beauty. Call it "A Funeral Story: Death by Greed".  And maybe, when they're all gone, people will care about them at last, as a curiosity, the way they find dinosaurs so interesting now. And maybe we'll make enough money from it to go out and get good and drunk."
    Nobody said anything: nobody knew what to say. The guy shrugged, not pleased that no one could summon an argument against him.
      "We should probably add one more species to the list" he said, and stuck a small photograph of himself on the wall as he walked to the door.
    …And then I woke up and my back hurt and my tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth and the dogs were pacing, restless to go out.. I thought about all the things I had read or watched the evening before that might have led my mind to conjure this vision. And I knew it was gonna be just another lovely day in paradise.

Posted by Tracy on Nov 20th 2010 | Filed in The Daily Rant | Comments (0)


It’s the snake that lives in the pit of my stomach
often drowsy but never fully asleep
rousing from its torpor at the most inconvenient of times
to writhe and twist within me.

I am a worrier. It’s what I do.
As a mother, it is my job to anticipate trouble
taking both the point and rear-guard positions in my childrens’
sometimes zig-zagging advance through life,
and I take that job seriously.
The day my first child was born,
the day they handed me that sticky little thing
and said “You’re in charge now” 
I began to worry.
That night in the hospital I worried that they were paging an x-ray tech to the NICU
because someone had dropped my baby.
I knew it was silly
but I also know that a piece of my heart was suddenly living outside me
and I could never really protect it any more.
Life is a high-wire act,
and all the safety nets I had ever worked with were stripped away.
The snake began to uncoil within me.

I know that constant worry is useless.
I understand that this restless concern over nothing in specific serves no purpose
except to deepen the wrinkle between my eyes,
rob me of sleep and disturb my digestion.
No anxiety over someone’s health ever did a thing to keep them healthy,
no unease over a lack of direction suddenly filled another person
with determination and purpose.
But there it is, and there it remains
a parasite that takes up a little too much room,
leeches energy and brightness
leaving me afraid to relax for fear it will suddenly strike.
I have learned to live with it, to placate it in small ways-
music, meditation, chocolate.
I cannot remove it but I can, mostly de-fang it,
prevent the freezing burn of its venom from paralyzing me.
I know that it is a weakness.
I have been told that it demonstrates a profound lack of faith,
that such worry is an affront to God, who surely could handle all my problems
if only I would turn them all over to Him.
I have tried praying to God to keep me from worrying
about the funny noise my daughter’s car is making
but the inner knowledge that God will neither repair the transmission
nor rescue her from the side of the road if she is stranded on a dark night
guaranteed the failure of that attempt.
And so I recite the liturgy of all the things that I do not have to worry about…
… poverty, homelessness, alcoholism, abuse, addiction, cancer…
yes, I know I am blessed, thank you.
But I know it could all be wiped away in a heartbeat.

.And so, I worry. 
Just a little bit…. around the edges.
Despite this weakness, I am strong enough in most ways:
I appreciate life’s joys both large and very small.
I sing and write, bake bread, walk the dogs
and mostly I ignore that sliding of scales deep within me
as the snake stretches, restless, always a bit unsettled,
looking for a new fear to sink its teeth into.
I am smart enough not worry too much about why I can’t stop worrying,
strong enough, at least, to shoulder my own burdens
rather than shift them to someone else

And after all, doesn’t God love those who help themselves?

Posted by Tracy on Nov 18th 2010 | Filed in Poetry | Comments (0)

Bedtime Story

There’s something about the sight of round bales of hay
dotting  the stubbled beard of a late autumn field
that gives my heart ease.
The way they glow, golden in the slanting sunlight
against the rust and umber of the November hills
speaks to me of preparations for sleep,
the way that dried herbs hanging from  rafters
and  warm, bright quilts do.

They seem to say “Night is coming
and it will be cold, and dark, and long
but it’s alright.
The earth has been generous.
We will draw inward, curl our hearts around our summer memories
as the winds blow and the woods and fields sleep.
We are ready. We have enough
and we will make it through to the morning.”

Posted by Tracy on Nov 17th 2010 | Filed in Poetry | Comments (0)

The Lies of FOX News

The classics are great, aren't they? Probably why they're called classics…. Anyway, I was listening to this song yesterday and a new last line popped into my head and stayed there. This is the result. And I figure, it's probably what Paul Simon was trying to say, anyway.

Hello Logic, my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you again
Because insanity does surround me, Tea Party hate-riots all around me.
Is there no lie so stupid that people won’t believe it’s true?   What can I do          
about the lies of FOX News?
From innuendo, they’ve moved on, it’s lies and lunacy they’ve spawned
They say Obama is just like Hitler, the lies grow bigger and our minds, littler.
Sara Palin says health care is a sin, Beck is crying about Muslims again….someone said “Amen”
'Cause God writes for FOX News.
And I saw, on the National Mall, 10 thousand people- FOX said  more:
People hating without thinking, talking crazy like they’d been drinking
People waving guns and making normal people scared. No one dared
Refute the lies of FOX News.
Fools, said I, you do not know, these lies just like a cancer grow
Illegal aliens will not eat you! Please learn to spell-check; yes, I will teach you
But my words were called an atheist, socialist plot, and I was shot…
Down by the lies of FOX news.
And the people bowed and prayed to a Reagan God they’d made
The Daily Kos flashed out its warning… why do we sit there while the earth’s warming?
And the blog said “Obama’s birth certificate is available to view on line… like yours and mine”
But was swallowed by the lies, of FOX News….

Posted by Tracy on Nov 10th 2010 | Filed in The Daily Rant | Comments (1)

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