Archive for June, 2005

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The Secretary of defenseDebutante
clucks his tongue
with concern over "Unflattering coverage"
As if this war,
stealer of limbs and filler of coffins,
is a moody and petulant debutante
who must be pampered and praised
if she is to perform her best
in the "War gowns" competition
of the Miss America pageant.

Posted by Tracy on Jun 25th 2005 | Filed in Poetry | Comments (0)

Learning from 9/11

Earlier this week, Karl Rove, the evil genius of the Bush administration went to New York City and said that liberals and democrats didn’t “get” September 11th. In what was undoubtedly an attempt to deflect attention from the Downing Street Memos (which, like a piece of gum on the bottom of Bush’s shoe, just won’t go away) he said,
“Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers. Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war. Conservatives saw what happened to us on 9/11 and said we will defeat our enemies. Liberals saw what happened to us and said we must understand our enemies.” Rove also condemned the liberals desire for “moderation and restraint” and praised those who wanted to go kill the attackers.

My own reaction to this blatant attempt to link Iraq and 9/11 yet again through a hideous smear against one-half of the American public (many of whom lost friends or family in 9/11 or who serve in the military, defending this country) was so intense as to leave me sputtering, Fortunately, not everyone was so aflicted.

The following essay, from was written by Kristen Breitweiser, a widow of 9/11 and an outspolen critic of the Bush administration’s alleged “war on terror”. It is the most cogent and hard-hitting response to Rove’s outrageous statements that I have read so far. If this woman were to run for office, I would work for her campaign.

Karl Rove’s “Understanding of 9/11”

Mr. Rove, the first thing that I would like to address is Afghanistan – the place that anyone with a true “understanding of 9/11â€? knows is a nation that actually has a connection to the 9/11 attacks. One month after 9/11, we invaded Afghanistan, took down the Taliban, and left without capturing Usama Bin Laden – the alleged perpetrator of the September 11th attacks. In the meantime, Afghanistan has carried out democratic elections, but continues to suffer from extreme violence and unrest. Poppy production (yes, Karl, the drug trade) is at an all time high, thus flooding the world market with heroin. And of course, the oil pipeline (a.k.a. the Caspian Sea pipeline) is better protected by U.S. troops who now have a “legitimateâ€? excuse to be in that part of Afghanistan. Interesting isn’t it Karl that the drug “rat lineâ€? parallels the oil pipeline. (Yet, with all those troops guarding that same sliver of land, can you please explain how those drugs keep getting through?)

Now Karl, a question for you, since you seem to be the nation’s self-styled sensei with regard to 9/11: Is Usama Bin Laden still important? Lately, your coterie of friends seems to be giving out mixed messages. Recall that in the early days, Bin Laden was wanted “dead or alive.â€? Then when Bin Laden slipped through your fingertips in Tora Bora, you downgraded his importance. We were told that Bin Laden was a “desperate man on the run,â€? and a person that President Bush was not “too worried about”. Yet, whenever I saw Bin Laden’s videos, he looked much too comfortable to actually be a man on the run. He looked tan, rested, and calm. He certainly didn’t look the way I wanted the murderer of almost 3,000 innocent people to look: unkempt, panicked, and cowering in a corner.

Karl, I mention Bin Laden because recently Director of the CIA, Porter Goss, has mentioned that he knows exactly where Bin Laden is located but that he cannot capture him for fear of offending sovereign nations. Which frankly, I find ironic because of Iraq–and let’s just leave it at that. But, when you say that “moderation and restraintâ€? don’t work in fighting terrorists, maybe you should share those comments with Mr. Goss because he doesn’t seem to be on the same page as you. Unless of course, Porter is holding out to announce that Bin Laden is in Iran. (Karl, I want Bin Laden brought to justice, but not if it means starting a war with Iran – a country that possesses nuclear weaponry. The idea of nuclear fallout in any quadrant of the world is just not an acceptable means to any ends, be it capturing Bin Laden, oil or drugs. But, Afghanistan and Bin Laden are old news. Iraq is the story of today. And of course, it appears that Iran will be the story of next month. But, I digress.)

More to the point, Karl when you say, “Conservatives saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and prepared for war,â€? what exactly did you do to prepare for your war? Did your preparations include: sound intelligence to warrant your actions; a reasonable entry and exit strategy coupled with a coherent plan to carry out that strategy; the proper training and equipment for the troops you were sending in to fight your war? Did you follow the advice of experts such as General Shinseki who correctly advised you about the troop levels needed to actually succeed in Iraq? No, you didn’t.

It has always been America’s policy that you only place soldiers’ lives in harm’s way when it is absolutely necessary and the absolute last resort. When you send troops into combat you support those troops by providing them with proper equipment and training. Why didn’t you do that with the troops that you sent into Iraq? Why weren’t their vehicles armored? Why didn’t they have protective vests? Why weren’t they properly trained about the rules of interrogation? And Karl, when our troops come home – be it tragically in body bags or with missing limbs – you should honor and acknowledge their service to their country. You shouldn’t hide them by bringing them home in the dark of night. Most importantly, you should take care of them for the long haul by giving them substantial veteran’s benefits and care. To me, that is being patriotic. To me, that is how you support our troops. To me, that is how you show that you know the value of a human life given for its country.

For the record Karl, does Iraq have any connection to the 9/11 attacks? Because, you and your friends with your collective “understanding of 9/11â€? seem to be contradicting yourselves about the Iraq-9/11 connection, too. First, we were told that we went to war with Iraq because it was linked to the 9/11 attacks. Then, your rationale was changed to “Iraq has WMD”. Then you told us that we needed to invade Iraq because Saddam was a “bad man”. And now it turns out that we are in Iraq to bring them “democracy.”

Of course, the Downing Street memo clarifies many of these things, but for the record Karl: Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11; there were few terrorists in Iraq before our invasion, but now Iraq is a terrorist hot-bed. America had the sympathy and support of the whole world before Iraq. Now, thanks to your actions, we find ourselves hated and alienated by the rest of the world. Al Qaeda’s recruitment took a nose-dive after the 9/11 attacks, but has now skyrocketed since your invasion of Iraq; and most importantly, nearly 2,000 U.S. soldiers have been killed because of your war in Iraq. These facts speak for themselves. (And, they speak very little about effectively winning any war on terror.)

Karl, you say you “understandâ€? 9/11. Then why did you and your friends so vehemently oppose the creation of a 9/11 Independent Commission? Once the commission was established, why did you refuse to properly fund the Commission by allotting it only a $3 million budget? Why did you refuse to allow access to documents and witnesses for the 9/11 Commissioners? Why did we have to fight so hard for an extension when the Commissioners told us that they needed more time due to your footdragging and stonewalling? Why didn’t you want to cooperate so that all Americans could “understandâ€? what happened on 9/11?

Since the release of the 9/11 Commission’s Final Report, have you helped bring to fruition any of the commission’s recommendations? Have you truly made our homeland safer by hardening/eliminating soft targets? Moreover, your support for the use of nuclear energy seems to be providing even more soft targets. Tell me, while you write your nifty little speeches about nuclear power, do you explain to your audience how our nuclear plants will be protected against terrorist attack or infiltration? What assurances do you give that nuclear waste will not find its way into terrorist’s dirty bombs and onto our city streets? And, how do you assure your audience that the shipment of radioactive material will not become a terrorist target as it rolls through their own backyards?

To date, you have done practically nothing to secure our ports, nuclear power plants, and mass transportation systems. Imagine if the billions of dollars you spent in Iraq were spent more wisely on those things here at home. Imagine what sort of alternative energy resources (bio-diesel, wind power, solar power, and hybrid automobiles) could have been researched and funded in the past three years. Talk about regaining the respect and support of the world, that is the one way to do it.

Karl, if you “understand 9/11â€?, then why don’t you understand that until we have a more environmentally friendly energy policy, we cannot effectively fight the war on terrorism. By being dependent on foreign oil, we have no choice but to cozy up to nations that sponsor terrorists. Moreover, because of oil, we may end up placing our troops and our nation at greater risk by having to invade certain oil-rich countries. Our invasion of these countries merely serves to inflame would-be terrorists by reinforcing their notion that we are gluttonous and self-centered — invading sovereign nations solely to steal their oil. Forgive me Karl, but is that how you think you “win hearts and minds”? Does that help in any way to “spread democracy”?

Finally Karl, please “understandâ€? that the reason we have not suffered a repeat attack on our homeland is because Bin Laden no longer needs to attack us. Those of us with a pure and comprehensive “understanding of 9/11â€? know that Bin Laden committed the 9/11 attacks so he could increase recruitment for al Qaeda and increase worldwide hatred of America. That didn’t happen. Because after 9/11, the world united with Americans and al Qaeda’s recruitment levels never increased.

It was only after your invasion of Iraq that Bin Laden’s goals were met. Because of your war in Iraq two things happened that helped Bin Laden and the terrorists: al Qaeda recruitment soared and the United States is now alienated from and hated by the rest of the world. In effect, what Bin Laden could not achieve by murdering my husband and 3,000 others on 9/11, you handed to him on a silver platter with your invasion of Iraq – a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

Which leads me to my final questions for you Karl: What are your motives when it comes to 9/11 and are you really sure that you understand 9/11?

Posted by Tracy on Jun 25th 2005 | Filed in The Daily Rant | Comments (0)