Archive for April, 2004

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Tired of being Called Names

I write to correct the misinformation spread by Mr. Greg Moore. In his letter to the editor, (Liberal Group Misleads People it Contacts) Mr. Moore states, “This is so typical of liberals: lying and not having the guts to stand and debate the issues. They really aren’t committed to anything…” He goes on to state that “Democrats…will suck in votes from the uneducated and those whose votes are for sale.”

Let me get this straight: though he has never in his life met me, Mr. Moore feels qualified to call me a cowardly, unprincipled, uneducated, corrupt liar? Wow.

For the record, I, like many liberals, have a college degree. In fact, we often grow up to be doctors, lawyers, scientists and teachers, just like regular people. I am very committed to a variety of issues, such as a balanced national budget, affordable child care, campaign finance reform, balancing homeland security with civil rights, affordable health care, supporting our troops overseas until we can bring them home again, educating our children without over-testing them, equality in marriage rights, energy conservation, alternative fuel research, nuclear non-proliferation, trying to work with traditional U.S. allies instead of insulting them, and honesty and accountability from government officials. I serve on the PTA, volunteer at my church, obey the posted speed limits, and give blood regularly, just as many conservatives do. I vote in every election and have neither been paid for my vote nor gone duck-hunting with any vice presidents.

I also have the “guts” to respond in print to a man who allows his personal prejudices to slander an entire, diverse group of people with one rude brush-stroke. Not only that, I posses the good sense not to judge all conservative Americans by the foolish things that come out of his mouth.
I’m sorry Mr. Moore had a bad experience with the organization to which he refers. I am unfamiliar with the group in question and cannot address the fairness of his accusation against them. I, however, am guilty of none of the things of which he accuses me.

T. Meisky

Posted by Tracy on Apr 5th 2004 | Filed in Soapbox letters | Comments (0)

Oh Dubya!

With sincerest apologies to Walt Whitman., and based on a poem by my amazing son, Stephen

O Dubya, my Dubya! You said you were the one!
You said you’d bring back honesty, but your answers all are spun.
Our children is not learning, our Bill of Rights, just chaff,
And as for our security; oh please, don’t make me laugh.
And oh, lies, lies, lies! They’re all we ever hear!
What will we do? Can’t live with you
As Captain four more years.

Oh Dubya! My Dubya! Tell me, what have you done?
You got us in a war that I fear cannot be won.
Our enemies attack us; our friends all hate us too!
Those weapons, they were never there! Why did we listen to you?
But oh heart, heart, heart; that thing you lack, I fear
I hate to see where the world will be
With you four more years.

The Dubya does not listen, he only gives a smirk,
And suddenly, flipping burgers is called factory work!
He breaks our treaties, pollutes the air, the country’s going broke
Still he cuts taxes to the rich and smiles like it’s a joke.
So if you want a future, the path is crystal clear:
Cut the string! Let the fat lady sing!
Don’t give him four more years!

Posted by Tracy on Apr 2nd 2004 | Filed in Poetry | Comments (0)

Aren’t we the Real Fools?

Today George Bush reported the actual current cost projections of his medicare plan, the military efforts overseas, the deficit and tax cuts. He also released honest, un-adulterated scientific reports from the EPA and the CDC

April Fools!

The US military announced today that they have recovered weapons of Mass destruction in Iraq and that after consulting with the United Nations, they will destroy them. It was also announced that the Bush administration will cancel the so-called Star Wars missle defense policy, in keeping with their stated desire to make the world a safer place for everyone.

April Fools!

Today Donald Rumsfeld announced plans for new troop deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, and to at last fully fund both the military effort and the reconstruction effort in these countries. This is part of the administration’s plan help the Iraqi and Afghani nations acheive some peace and stability before declaring “Mission Accomplished” and leaving them to fend for themselves.

April Fools!

“My bad.” George Bush will announce at a press conference this evening that he will no longer try to block any investigations into his administration, and will claim national security only when it is truely applicable. Declaring “This country belongs to the people and they have every right to know what is going on” Bush vowed to stop character assassinations of his critics and to engage them on the facts only from now on. This move will herald a new era of openness and accountability in government. Bush also reportedly intends to apologize for any attempts to mislead the American people and to take responsibility for what ever happens on his own watch.

April Fools!

Saying “Holy crap- how did that happen?” the Bush administration today suddenly realized that their entire economic policy, from estate taxes to tax cuts, is skewed to the richest 5% of the nation and promised to rectify that as soon as possible. Rather than worrying about whether jet-setters can buy a 4th home, it will direct resources to the homeless and the working poor. “See, we were talking about faith-based initiatives, but somehow we got a faith-based economy, and people are running out of faith. Well, you live and learn.”

April fools!

Today al Qeada announced that they are unable to stand up against the incredibly manly resolve of George W. Bush, and that due to the mighty American presence in Iraq they will change tactics. “We renounce terrorist acts against Americans” a spokesman said on Al Jazeera television. “From now on we will only target the French, because they are poncey snail-eaters who did not stand up to us.” There was cheering in the streets of America as citizens expressed their gratitude for how much safer the president has made our country.

April Fools!

Last night’s Neilson ratings showed that for some reason, millions of Americans tuned away from so-called “reality TV”. “I’m tired of seeing shows about big breasts, idiots and trash talk” one disgruntled viewer said. “We watched a show about the refugee crisis in Sudan, wrote a check to UNICEF and then turned off the TV and played Monopoly”

April Fools.

Don’t get fooled again.

Posted by Tracy on Apr 1st 2004 | Filed in The Daily Rant | Comments (0)

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