
Today’s Columbus Dispatch reports that the Republicans in the Senate, in their never-ending effort to grapple with the critical issues that face America, plan to spend a week holding hearings on the importance of marriage. Wow, don’t you feel better, knowing that the GOP has your back in these difficult times? Isn’t it great to know that our senators are earning their salary doing such important work?

Whose idea was this waste of time, and how much will it cost us? Today’s front page featured a story about senior citizens showing up at food banks in increasing numbers at the same time that the USDA’s food program for the hungry is being cut. If Congress is wants to look important by having a hearing on something, why don’t they look into old people being forced to eat cat food? How about investigating the contractors in Iraq who are cheating the US taxpayers out of millions of dollars with un-bid, un-audited contracts? Or they could spend time looking into why so many children are being left behind by the president’s “No Child Left Behind” act.

But no, they’re spending our money to define the significance of marriage. I can save everyone time and money and tell you right now that they’ll find marriage is indeed significant and should be protected. This will pave the way for them to defend us all from the scurrilous threat of gay marriage by amending the Constitution.

This is election-year crapola at its finest. Call me crazy, but the significance of marriage seems a subject more fit for sociologists to debate than politicians. We should remind our Republican senators that there are a few teensy-weensy crises facing the country right now, and they should stop wasting time pandering for votes and try to do something that will actually help people!

Tracy Apr 26th 2004 09:18 am The Daily Rant No Comments yet Comments RSS

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