Taking Candy from a Baby Sister
August 4th, 1994
So I’ve got this kid…and he got separated from me one day at K-Mart. It was a very scary 7 or 8 minutes for both of us.
I told him that in the future, if he can’t find me in a store, he should go find someone that works at a cash register and tell them that he is lost. He countered that he couldn’t possibly do that because after all, he’s not allowed to talk to strangers. Oh yeah. Hmmm, how to explain this…
So I declared an ammendment to the family Constitution and said that while he should NEVER leave the store with anyone other than me, it’s OK to talk to a stranger if they work at the cash register and if you’re lost. Rather than wander around crying, he should just have me paged.
Lesson learned…too well. Now I can hardly go shopping without getting paged! One day at Frank’s Nursery it happened twice in the same half-hour! I no more than turn around and realize that he isn’t following me before I hear,
"We have a lost boy at the front of the store…" I don’t even wait to hear the name, ’cause I know who it is. I head up to the service counter and there he is, so proud of his resourcefulness that he’s grinning from ear to ear. I’m starting to think he enjoys having me paged!
I finally had to ask him to give himself at least a minute or two to look for me before he runs to the front desk because I’m starting to feel a bit stupid, losing my kid all the time. I have threatened him with a leash if it happens too frequently.
"But Mom, I’m supposed to do that when I get lost, remember?" he asked.
"Of course I remember, Stephen. I just want you to stop getting so cheerfully lost every time we go out! Spend a little more time paying attention while we’re shopping and a little less time with the store manager, would ya?"
Well, this is a boy who takes rules to heart, and sometimes beyond.
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